Thanks to Everyone Who Has Donated!

scary clown presents fund raising

We justed wanted to say thank-you to everyone who has attended one of our enforced ‘streamed’ gigs this year.  Both have been massive successes – even though we couldn’t come together as planned.  Damn that pandemic!

Still you helped us raise a huge amount of dosh – way more than we ever imagined would be possible – we all should pat ourselves on the back and feel warm and fuzzy!

Skate-aid will be receiving about £750 – and we donated over £1,800 to the local homeless charity after the special gig in honour of our lost mate Bomber.

scary clown presents fund raising

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Online Fundraiser in Lancaster’s Name a Success

langy fundraiser

As we couldn’t put on the two day punk ‘festival’ we wanted to due to the coronavirus pandemic, we instead took a gig online – a live Facebook streamed event over two evenings.

Much fun was had by all – with over 160 people watching during Duncan Redmond’s set.  We also had Alex Wonk and Dan from the Spoilers join us – who were both regulars playing Scary Clown gigs.

We raised money for a local homeless charity – and were blown away to raise over £1,800!  Thank you to everyone who could donate.

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What a Day; Summer Monster Mash

the Scary Clown team at the bar

Phew after all the organisation, blood, sweat and tears, another fantastic all-dayer has come, made it’s grubby mark, and gone!

A few thank-yous – it takes a great team of friends to make a day like this run smoothly.

A huge thank you to Luke Day for being Burger King yesterday and working non-stop throughout the afternoon/early evening. You got me through it (G).

Huge thanks to all for yesterday, proper good laugh. Send love to heroes Krispy Brown and Linzi Lee for hours and hours of dedicated hard work x

Loads of photo’s and videos to come – what a day it was.  ALL the bands smashed it – thanks for your time and effort!

Simon Wells lunchtime special – with songs from Snuff and Southport

the Scary Clown team at the bar

the Scary Clown team at the bar during set-up, doing some quality control

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