We’ve supported quite a few good causes which are close to our hearts – donating money from our BBQ / Craft beer / collections at the gigs.
It’s important not to be rebels without a cause – and any good we can do with our gigs (apart from making us all feel happier) is a great use of our energy.
Charities and Causes we have supported
#solidaritynotsilence – We will be raising funds at a special benefit gig event soon for this cause close to our hearts. We stand in #unity with those fighting a defence against someone accused of abuse.
Skate-aid – over £1,650 raised across our famous Skate-aid all dayers.
Hunt Saboteurs Association – all three of us have been sabs in our younger days, and many of our friends have been and still are. So a cause very close to us.
Borderland Brawlers – our local roller-derby team. We’ve put on several benefit gigs for these lovely people.
Peterborough Soup kitchen – we usually ask people to bring chocolate bars to our Xmas party gig to give to our local soup kitchen
Sea Shepherd UK – the hunt sabs of the seas. Brave nutters!
The Exotic Pet Refuge – a couple of our half dayers have been in aid of our local animal charity.